Thursday, 21 May 2015

Macbeth Notes

Macbeth Notes 

Act 1, Scene 1:

Character- three witches, Duncan (king), Malcom, Donalbain, Lennox(works for king)

  • the king is the king because of 'Divine Right of King'\
  • Macbeth= brave warrior 
Setting: thunder/lightening crashing above a Scottish moor

Act 1, Scene 2:

Setting: at a military camp near his palace at Forres

Act 1, Scene 3:

Setting: near the battlefield, thunder rolls and three witches appear

Act 1, Scene 4:

Setting: at the king's palace 


add a very dramatic view to the beginning of the play 

  • Macbeth is a brave warrior
  • Macbeth is cousins with the king meaning if the others die he's in line to be king.
  • Macbeth wishes he was/could be the king
(Soliloquy #1: 'two truths are told')

Moral Relativism: is the view that moral judgement are two or false only relative to some particular standpoint and that no standpoint is uniquely privileged over all others.  

Tragic Hero: hero that starts at the top everyone wants to be with him but then there is a switch and he is the lowest. 

Hupris- sin of pride

  • Lady Macbeth's job is to look after Macbeth (she's an ad, too make him look good)
(Soliloquy #2: Lady Macbeth's soliloquy)

  • Guest host relationship
 Juxtaposition: the placement of contrasting elements into adjacency in order to make some kind of effects 

(Soliloquy #3: 'if it were done' act one scene seven)

Act One, Scene 7:
  • all about inversion 'from this time...such I account thy love'

  • Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had a kid but lost it
  • Lady Macbeth being a witch because; taking baby off the breast, smashing its brains out, all the potions 

Stoic: a person who can endure pain or hardship without complaining or showing their feelings 

(Soliloquy #4: Dagger soliloquy - most important soliloquy yet - thee to heaven or to hell) 

  • 'It was the owl that shrieked' (symbolic)
Conscious- voice in your head saying don't do something

  • Macbeth and MacDuff -mirror images; MacDuff acts differently though, going to be a good king
(Soliloquy #4: 'To be this is nothing' )

Act two, scene three: important scene

"full of scorpions" could mean Macbeth is having sharp/stinging pain or something seriously wrong.

Why is there a third murder? 
  • three witches
  • third murder seem seems to know a lot of things
Fit: 'freak out', could mean angry, seizures were once called fits 

Lennox Speech(act 2 scene 6)
  • Macbeth pitied Duncan after Duncan died (Lennox knows that Macbeth killed the kings)
  • very sarcastic piece
(Soliloquy #5: 'tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow' -act 5 scene 5)

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