Wednesday 17 June 2015

Movie Project

Movie Project
By: Hayley Woods 

     The movie, Rango, was released on March 4 2011. Rango is a an American computer- animated action comedy western film difrected by Gore Verbinski and produced by Verbinski, Graham King and John B Carls.  In 2012, the movie won six different awards including the 'People's Choice Award for Animated Movie'. A few known actors in 'Rango' are Johnny Depp, Gore Verbinski, and Isla Fisher.
The  main character in the movie is a chameleon named, Rango. The chameleon considers himself an actor throughout the movie. In the movie the chameleon really is characterized as an outsider. Rango was abandoned and then becomes stranded where he overcomes a few small problems. Some of the problems include facing his enemies, such as a hawk. The enemies that are animals that he meets throughout the movie look 'down' on him rather than looking at him the same as they look at everyone else. I believe this is related to Frankenstein because Victor was scared of him and did not look at him the same as everyone else, even though he was the creator of this monster. This is why I believe the movie Rango has an outsider involved with it and it relates well to Frankenstein and even Macbeth. But in the end, Rango meets many new friends. His characterization of being an outsider flips. He now is liked and respected by many. the chameleon, Rango is not looked down upon, he is viewed as being the same as everyone else. Even though there is not an actually monster figure in the movie, I believe Rango was an outsider just like Frankenstein was characterized as, no one liked him because he was different from everyone else, he acted and looked different, he just did not fit in. 

Friday 12 June 2015

Documentary Project


Image result for blackfish documentary

     Blackfish is a documentary that was released in July of 2013. The documentary is about a killer whale that has killed many people because of the fact it was kept in captivity. Along the way, director-producer Gabriela Cowperthwaite compiles shocking footage and emotional interviews to explore the creature’s extraordinary nature, the species’ cruel treatment in captivity, the lives and losses of the trainers and the pressures brought to bear by the multi-billion dollar sea-park industry. The documentary also interviews former trainers and they explain how they feel about the situation with the killer whales being kept in captivity. Blackfish also received the award for ' Satellite Award for Best Documentary Film'.  
     When the documentary starts off, I have strong hatred feelings toward Seaworld and what they were doing to the killer whales by keeping them in small modules for long periods of time. When it shows the rakeing to the male whale caused by two other female kill whales it was kept with, it was disturbing. The reason this whale was being injured was because they were starving them for the behaviour. In my opinion, I think Seaworld should have been shut down after they started keeping the large whales in twenty by thirty foot modules for two thirds of their life. Keeping the whales in captivity is one of the main reason they became aggressive towards the trainers.
     The filmmakers editorial piece in the documentary tries to get the viewers to feel bad for the way they are keeping these large mammals. They try to put the clips of Seaworlds commercials in the film to manipulate the feelings of the viewers. When they show the commercial clips, as a viewer it makes you have stronger hate towards Seaworld, only because you know how the killer whales are actually being treated
     I think the filmmaker of this documentary was trying to show their viewers what Seaworld is actually like. When they showed clips of their commercials there was happy music, children smiling as the whales go past, and clips of the trainers speaking highly of Seaworld. As a viewer of the commercials you would think Seaworld is a great place where they are keeping killer whales safe and claiming they will live longer in pools compared to the smaller lifespan the would have in the wild. After watching Blackfish, I do not think I can look at Seaworld the same. I know when I was a child my family went to Marineland, thinking back I thought the whales and other sea animals were happy and that being kept in places like they were, were the best thing for them. But after watching this documentary I know it is wrong for them to be kept like that. I would never go back to Marineland and I can guarantee I will never go to SeaWorld.

Rough Notes: 

  • tilkum... trained with other killer whale, whales would be sent off to do the same routine, if tilkum didn't get the routine both animals would be punished such as no food. 
  • the older whale would rake tilkum, which is biting him and leaving teeth marks, this was caused because both older and younger whale were starved for not doing something correct.
  • ilikum was a trusted whale
  • stored in a 20 by 30 foot metal pool for two thirds of their lives, had difficulties storing them in these modules
  • inhumane keeping them locked up like that
  • part time trainer was killed along with many others 

Monday 8 June 2015

Chapter Five Summary


     In chapter five of Frankenstein, Victor succeeds with bringing his monster to life. Henry Clerval had come to see his friend and enroll in the university. Henry and Victor go back to his apartment to discover that the monster is not any where to be found. I think Victor is relieved that his monster can not be found because it lifts much of his anxiety off his shoulders. 
     I believe chapter five is an important chapter because the chapter begins to take shape, and Victor describes his creation in full detail as "beautiful" yet repulsive with his "yellow skin,""lustrous black, and flowing" hair, and teeth of "pearly whiteness." Victor describes the monster's eyes, considered the windows upon the soul, as "watery eyes, that seemed almost the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his shriveled complexion and straight black lips. Here  Mary Shelley contrasts God's creation of Adam to Victor's creation of the monster. Victor sees his creation as beautiful and yet disturbing, versus the creation story taken from the Bible in which God sees his creation of Adam as good.

Friday 22 May 2015

Frankenstein Assignment 1

Frankenstein Assignment One
1600-1800 Philosopher 

Sir Isaac Newton was born December 25th, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. He died on March 20th, 1726, at the age of 84. Newton did not grow up with very intelligent partents, they were like everyone else. His father was a farmer and his mother was a stay at home mom. After Isaac Newton turned three he was left to be carried for by his grandmother since is mom had remarried and did not want to look after him anymore. Newton attended a public school called, "The King's School', where he was only taught Latin and no mathematics. In June 1661, aged 18, Newton began studying for a law degree at Cambridge University’s Trinity College, earning money working as a personal servant to wealthier students. By the time he was in his third year of school, he was spending much of his time studying mathematics and physics. Isaac Newton came up with the three laws of motion as well as he uncovered gravity. The reason Newton discovered gravity is when he was watching an apple fall from a tree while thinking about the forces of nature. Sir Isaac Newton's discovery of gravity is so important because if we did not know what gravity was or did not have it today, nothing would be kept on the ground and many items would be floating. Sir Isaac Newton was best known for being one of the greatest physicist that has ever lived, some say Albert Einstein and himself are equally matched. I think Sir Isaac Newton had a great impact on life back then and even now a days with his discovery of gravity. 

Thursday 21 May 2015

Macbeth Notes

Macbeth Notes 

Act 1, Scene 1:

Character- three witches, Duncan (king), Malcom, Donalbain, Lennox(works for king)

  • the king is the king because of 'Divine Right of King'\
  • Macbeth= brave warrior 
Setting: thunder/lightening crashing above a Scottish moor

Act 1, Scene 2:

Setting: at a military camp near his palace at Forres

Act 1, Scene 3:

Setting: near the battlefield, thunder rolls and three witches appear

Act 1, Scene 4:

Setting: at the king's palace 


add a very dramatic view to the beginning of the play 

  • Macbeth is a brave warrior
  • Macbeth is cousins with the king meaning if the others die he's in line to be king.
  • Macbeth wishes he was/could be the king
(Soliloquy #1: 'two truths are told')

Moral Relativism: is the view that moral judgement are two or false only relative to some particular standpoint and that no standpoint is uniquely privileged over all others.  

Tragic Hero: hero that starts at the top everyone wants to be with him but then there is a switch and he is the lowest. 

Hupris- sin of pride

  • Lady Macbeth's job is to look after Macbeth (she's an ad, too make him look good)
(Soliloquy #2: Lady Macbeth's soliloquy)

  • Guest host relationship
 Juxtaposition: the placement of contrasting elements into adjacency in order to make some kind of effects 

(Soliloquy #3: 'if it were done' act one scene seven)

Act One, Scene 7:
  • all about inversion 'from this time...such I account thy love'

  • Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had a kid but lost it
  • Lady Macbeth being a witch because; taking baby off the breast, smashing its brains out, all the potions 

Stoic: a person who can endure pain or hardship without complaining or showing their feelings 

(Soliloquy #4: Dagger soliloquy - most important soliloquy yet - thee to heaven or to hell) 

  • 'It was the owl that shrieked' (symbolic)
Conscious- voice in your head saying don't do something

  • Macbeth and MacDuff -mirror images; MacDuff acts differently though, going to be a good king
(Soliloquy #4: 'To be this is nothing' )

Act two, scene three: important scene

"full of scorpions" could mean Macbeth is having sharp/stinging pain or something seriously wrong.

Why is there a third murder? 
  • three witches
  • third murder seem seems to know a lot of things
Fit: 'freak out', could mean angry, seizures were once called fits 

Lennox Speech(act 2 scene 6)
  • Macbeth pitied Duncan after Duncan died (Lennox knows that Macbeth killed the kings)
  • very sarcastic piece
(Soliloquy #5: 'tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow' -act 5 scene 5)

Macbeth Essay

Macbeth Essay 


Lady Macbeth is the key force of evil in Macbeth. It is not the witches, nor Macbeth’s own ambition that takes him to his doom. Instead, it is the direct manipulation and vicious ambition of his wife that sets everything in motion and maintains Macbeth’s vicious course leading to his own death.

Rough Notes:
(Act one scene five)

Before Lady Macbeth Says Anything:
- thinks if fate wants him to be king, it will happen and he will not have to do anything
-feels many different emotions
-not happy unless Macbeth is working with Banquo
- says

What she says:
- wants to change his state of manhood
-tells Macbeth he doesn't have a mean streak in his body
-Lady Macbeth reads a letter in which Macbeth tells of the witches’ prophecy, she immediately concludes Macbeth should murder Duncan, but fears Macbeth won’t have the courage to do it.

How he changes afterwards: 
-has a lot of respect for Lady Macbeth (act one scene 5, page three)
-talks about how he wants to get the deed done quickly 
Lady Macbeth appears and urges Macbeth to come to the feast with Duncan and the others. When she finds Macbeth is having second thoughts about the murder, she mocks him and questions whether he is a “real man.” She points out that she, though a mere woman, has the courage to do this deed, and tells Macbeth to leave all the planning to her

  • Macbeth has a soliloquy (like an aside, but a much longer speech) in which he debates his internal conflict over whether to kill Duncan or not.  He wants to have the crown, but fears the consequences of killing Duncan, who is a good king, and to whom Macbeth owes his loyalty.


    In this play Lady Macbeth is characterized as more of a dominant male figure in Macbeth and her relationship. Lady Macbeth is the key force of evil in Macbeth. It is not the witches or Macbeth’s own intention that takes him to his doom. Instead, it is the direct manipulation and vicious ambition of Lady Macbeth, that sets everything in motion and maintains Macbeth’s vicious course leading to his own death. Three reasons Lady Macbeth is the evil in Macbeth are she changes his opinion of murdering Duncan, Lady Macbeth mocks her husband's manhood making him feel guilty for thinking about not killing Duncan and finally Lady Macbeth is not the murderer but she is an accessory to murder.
     Lady Macbeth is the key force of evil in this play due to the fact she is the one who changes Macbeth's mind on murdering Duncan. Power is used by certain characters to influence others. One such character is Lady Macbeth. In the beginning of the play, she is a strong-willed character. She takes on the role of a dominant male. Lady Macbeth has a greater influence over her husband, Macbeth, who is believed to be weaker than she is. It is Lady Macbeth's impact that convinces Macbeth to murder Duncan. Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to achieve his goal of becoming king, he will do this by killing Duncan and as of result of this she organizes the murder that she wants to happen. In the beginning Macbeth was very hesitate on killing the king, Duncan, due to the fact he feared the consequences that would occur afterwards. Therefore, Lady Macbeth is a key force of evil in the play due to the fact she changes his mind on killing Duncan.
     During act one, scenes six and seven, Lady Macbeth urges Macbeth to feast with Duncan and the others, when she finds Macbeth having some second thoughts about the murdering of Duncan, she mocks him and questions if he is a 'real man' or not. Lady Macbeth then goes on to point out how she is a woman and she has the courage to do the deed. Lady Macbeth is mocking her husband's man hood and making him feel guilty by saying that she could do it, so why can't he. This is an excellent example of how she is a key force of evil in the play, Macbeth. When mocking Macbeth she does not have any second feelings of what she is saying or she does not second guess the things she is says. Throughout these scenes, Duncan comments on how attractive and wonderful Lady Macbeth is, but little did he know she was wanting him killed. Throughout the play when Macbeth has his doubts and fears in himself and murdering Duncan, Lady Macbeth is quick to call him everything from a coward to a helpless baby. Lady Macbeth is a key force of evil in the play, Macbeth, because she is an accessory to murder but she makes her husband kill Duncan.
     Finally another reason Lady Macbeth is a key force of evil in the play is because she is an accessory to murder but she is not the murder. Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to murder Duncan, but she will not do it herself therefore making her just an accessory to murder. An accessory to murder is someone who assist in the commission of the murder, but does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principle. So therefore Lady Macbeth organizes and plans the murder and all Macbeth knows is he will be the one carrying out the murder of Duncan. During act one, scenes six and seven, in Macbeth's soliloquy, he debates his internal conflict over whether to kill Duncan or not. He wants the crown, but fears the consequences of killing Duncan, who is a good king and Macbeth owes his loyalty too. But after Macbeth's soliloquy, Lady Macbeth then asks if he was a drunk when he had seemed so hopeful before, she also questions if he is scared to murder Duncan, In act one scene seven, Lady Macbeth says "What beast was 't then, that made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; and to be more than they you were, you would be so much more than a man." She is telling Macbeth that if he does continue with the deed then that is when he will become a man. Therefore Lady Macbeth is a key force of evil in this play because of the way she mocks Macbeth's manhood when he feels he can not do one thing.

     Therefore, Lady Macbeth is the key force of evil in the play, Macbeth, for the three main reasons; Lady Macbeth changes his mind about killing Duncan, she mocks Lady Macbeth's manhood, and finally she is a key force of evil in the play because she is not the murderer but she is the main accessory to the murder of Duncan. In the end of the play, Duncan was murdered but Macbeth then gets into a fight with McDuff and in that fight Macbeth was killed. Macbeth should have feared the consequences of killing Duncan due to the fact that he ended up dying. Many of the disturbing and/or horrible events that happened during the play are caused from Lady Macbeth or at least she had a hand in these situations. Therefore Lady Macbeth is the key force of evil in the play, Macbeth.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Macbeth Soliloquy

Soliloquy #1:
Act 1 Scene 3-
Soliloquy number one reveals a lot about Macbeth's character. This soliloquy reveals a man who just discovered that he has a bright future. During the same time, he realizes that the achievement of this things would have a great impact and he is torn with what to do. While he later follows his speech aside that "if chance will have me king/why, chance will crown me/Without my stir" it is clear that he is conflicted. 

Soliloquy #2:
Act 1 Scene 5-
Lady Macbeth's soliloquy is important to the play because is sets the mood for the horrible but important events that are to follow after, mainly the murder of Duncan, which then leads to other deaths of so many others. I also believe that this soliloquy prepares the audience for what is about to come, it teaches the audience about the character of Lady Macbeth and what she is capable of, this soliloquy also informs us on what time of character and person Macbeth is and can be. I also think Lady Macbeth's soliloquy sets some what of a theme for the reader/audience. In my opinion, I think if there was no 'Lady Macbeth Soliloquy' the play would be very different in a sense that we would not know what type of person Lady Macbeth is,in other words it helps with character development.

Soliloquy #3:
Act 1 Scene 7- 
In this soliloquy I believe that Macbeth is complementing on killing Duncan, he discusses the pros and cons for murdering Duncan. In the end, Macbeth decides not to murder Duncan for a reasons, such as: he risks the punishment, Duncan has used his powers of King but not harshly, Duncan has been a good man and doesn't deserve murder, Macbeth is related to Duncan, and he wants to show good hospitality by not killing your guest (Duncan is Macbeth's guest at this part of the play). In the beginning of the soliloquy he also talks about how if there were no consequences resulting from the murder, he would risk it, not worrying about the future. At the end of the soliloquy he mentions how ambition is his only motivation to kill Duncan. 

Soliloquy #4:
Act 3 Scene 1-
The importance of this soliloquy would be how Macbeth is afraid Banquo, Macbeth compares his fear of Banquo to how Mark Antony’s angel supposedly feared Octavius Caesar. Macbeth is saying that now that he is king, he finds that it is not the way he imagined it would be. Now that he's king, what he's focusing on is the fact that he does not feel safe in this position. This is because he feels guilty for the the fact that not only has he committed the murder of killing the king to gain the throne, but also he does not have the right to claim the kingship. I also believe that in this soliloquy it talks about how Macbeth distrusts other people, who may betray him. I think that is caused from his own treachery. At the end of the soliloquy, you can tell that Macbeth has decided to take things into his own hands again because he is already planning on killing Banquo and his son. 

Soliloquy #5:
Act 5, Scene 5- 
The 'Tomorrowspeech is one of the most famous soliloquy in Shakespeare time. The soliloquy starts with Macbeth's response to news of his wife's death. I know this soliloquy takes place shortly after the death of Lady Macbeth because he talks about how she would have died later anyway.