Frankenstein Assignment One
1600-1800 Philosopher
1600-1800 Philosopher
Sir Isaac Newton was born December 25th, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. He died on March 20th, 1726, at the age of 84. Newton did not grow up with very intelligent partents, they were like everyone else. His father was a farmer and his mother was a stay at home mom. After Isaac Newton turned three he was left to be carried for by his grandmother since is mom had remarried and did not want to look after him anymore. Newton attended a public school called, "The King's School', where he was only taught Latin and no mathematics. In June 1661, aged 18, Newton began studying for a law degree at Cambridge University’s Trinity College, earning money working as a personal servant to wealthier students. By the time he was in his third year of school, he was spending much of his time studying mathematics and physics. Isaac Newton came up with the three laws of motion as well as he uncovered gravity. The reason Newton discovered gravity is when he was watching an apple fall from a tree while thinking about the forces of nature. Sir Isaac Newton's discovery of gravity is so important because if we did not know what gravity was or did not have it today, nothing would be kept on the ground and many items would be floating. Sir Isaac Newton was best known for being one of the greatest physicist that has ever lived, some say Albert Einstein and himself are equally matched. I think Sir Isaac Newton had a great impact on life back then and even now a days with his discovery of gravity.