Creative Writing!
Think back to something from your own past and try to consider it in a way that takes the negative emotion out (or maybe the positive) and replaces it with the knowledge and "entertainment" you can see in it now. Write it out in some way.
Roughly three years ago, my grandma took two heart attacks and a stroke, she has diabetes her blood sugar got all the way to 76..doctors had to figure out what her blood sugar was out using pencil and paper, not digital readers, the doctor gave her three hours to live. She then got a room in intensive care in London, she was put in a coma for three week so the swelling in her brain would go down. From there she was sent to a floor, then across the road to Parkwood, which is a rehabilitation hospital. She was told she would never walk or drive again and that her sight would be gone within a year or so, as well as never move her left side of her body again. But three months after this happened, she walked out of Parkwood moving many parts on her left side of her body. She can not drive any more, her sight is not the best, and her movement in her left arm is not the greatest, but the main thing is, is that she is still living when the doctors told her this would never happen. You may be wondering how something is upsetting can turn out funny? Even though not a lot of positive came out of this situation, my grandma never let it bring her down. To this day my grandma is always putting a smile on my face and making me laugh. A bad day can turn into a good day by dialing her number into the phone and talking to her for ten minutes. My grandmother is my idol, she is the strongest woman I know, she showed me that life isn't easy but if you're positive you will make it through! This terrible situation will never be funny, but it turned into something very positive!
Hayley Woods
Hayley Woods